Al-Sharq Newspapers

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About Us

Al Sharq is an Arabic and pro-government daily newspaper published in Doha, Qatar. The paper is one of the three leading Arabic newspapers in the country in addition to Al Raya and Al Watan.

Al Sharq Newspaper has maintained its leading position since it was first launched in 1978 by producing trustworthy, informative and relevant news, The Editorial team never compromised on the news quality and was fortunate to bring many main stories and scoops to the public in those many years, It is the most read Arabic daily and has the largest circulation in Qatar, a status recognized on several occasions by international research agencies, such as PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated) and IPSOS, the global market research company with worldwide headquarters in France.

Al Sharq Newspaper was the first Qatari newspaper to be posted on the website of the American journalism museum Newseum on a daily basis. The newspaper was selected thanks to its high circulation, its professional reach and its international credibility.

Al Sharq is Qatar's top newspaper and is the most read Arabic daily, a status recognized on several occasions by international research agencies like PARC and IPSOS. It was the first Qatari newspaper to be posted on the website of the American journalism museum Newseum on a daily basis.